Where and How To Make a Complaint?

Personne en fauteuil discutant à un bureau d'information touristiqueKéroul wishes to be kept informed of accessibility-related complaints about transportation, accommodation and tourist and cultural attractions. This information allows us to monitor changes in the quality of services and to take appropriate action, as required, on a specific or more comprehensive basis.

Before going any further, first try to resolve your complaint by contacting the service provider directly.

Municipal infrastructure

If the problem is related to municipal infrastructures, contact the municipality directly. In Montreal, the service is named 311.


For a complaint regarding federal transportation, the Canadian Transportation Agency offers assistance. On its website, the Agency provides instructions and answers to key questions in the event of complaints related to air, rail, marine or interprovincial bus transportation.


If the existing facility or the current project is subject to section 3.8 of the Quebec Building Code, please complete the Public Safety Complaint form. Although the title does not seem to be related to this type of complaint, this approach is the only way currently possible.

At all times

Regardless of the type of problem, we recommend calling the Office des personnes handicapées du Québec (OPHQ) to report the situation. The OPHQ will identify the complaint and will accompany you, if necessary, to the Human Rights Commission. You can also contact this instance directly.