Minéro - Musée de Thetford | KB3
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Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2022
Minéro - Musée de Thetford | KB3
711, boulevard Frontenac Ouest
Thetford Mines, (Québec)
G6G 7Y8
Phone 1: 418 335 2123
Email: service.client@museemineralogique.com
Activities and related services
Centre historique de la mine King | KB3 |
Full access
One or more reserved parking spaces : 2
No obstacle between parking lot and entrance
Height reception desk between 68.5 cm and 86.5 cm from the ground
Clearance under reception desk: larger than 68.5 cm
Reception desk: manoeuvering space larger than 1.2 m x 1.2 m
Drinking fountain accessible for handicapped persons
Main entrance
Clear width of door exceeds 80 cm
Automatic Doors
Toilet room accessible for handicapped persons
Automatic Doors
Toilet room area : 1,70 m x 2,80 m
Manoeuvring clearance larger than 1.5 m x 1.5 m
Larger than 87.5 cm clear floor space on the side of the toilet bowl
Horizontal grab bar at left of the toilet height: between 84 cm and 92 cm from the ground
Horizontal grab bar at left of the toilet height: between 84 cm and 92 cm
Sink height: between 68.5 cm and 86.5 cm
clear space area in front of the sink larger than 80 cm x 1.2 m
Shop adapted for disabled persons
100% of shop accessible
Exhibit space adapted for disabled persons
Only one entrance available
Entrance: automatic door
Entrance: door clear width larger than 80 cm
All sections are accessible.
100% of exhibit space accessible
Manoeuvring space diameter larger than 1.5 m available
Objects displayed at a height of less than 1.2 m
Guided tours available on request
Tactile exploration permitted throughout the exhibit
Audio guides with volume controls available