Aménagement Robert-Bourassa - La Grande-2 (Hydro-Québec)

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:

Interpretation, Company Visit

Partial access
Visual impairments
Hearing impairments

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2021

Aménagement Robert-Bourassa - La Grande-2 (Hydro-Québec)
Complexe Pierre-Radisson, 66 Desgroseillers
Radisson, (Québec)
J0Y 2X0

Phone 1:
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 Asphalted ground

 Flat ground

 No parking space for handicapped persons

Inside of the establishment* : Centre d'interprétation

 Reception counter too high : 110 cm
 Reception desk: no clearance under the desk


 Fixed ramp

 Manoeuvring space larger than 1.5 m x 1.5 m in front of the ramp

 Concrete ramp

 ramp with with two side edges higher than 10 cm

 Access ramp: clear width between 87 cm and 92 cm

 Access ramp: gentle slope

 Access ramp: surface area of landing between ramps exceeds 1.2 m x 1.2 m

 Access ramp: handrail on each side

 Manoeuvring space in front of the door: larger than 1.5 m x 1.5 m

 No exterior door sill

 No interior door sill

 Automatic Doors

Washrooms with multiple stalls*

 Sink height: between 68.5 cm and 86.5 cm
 Inadequate clearance under the sink : 50 cm
 clear space area in front of the sink larger than 80 cm x 1.2 m

 Sink: faucets with sensor

 Manoeuvring space larger than 1.5 m x 1.5 m in front of the toilet stall

 Accessible toilet stall: manoeuvring space larger tham 1.2 mx 1.2 m

 Accessible toilet stall: more than 87.5 cm of clear space area on the side

 Accessible toilet stall: horizontal grab bar at right located between 84 cm and 92 cm from the ground

 Accessible toilet stall: horizontal grab bar behind the toilet located between 84 cm and 92 cm from the ground

 Accessible toilet stall: garbage can located in the floor space area

Washrooms with multiple stalls*

 Sink height: between 68.5 cm and 86.5 cm
 Inadequate clearance under the sink : 50 cm
 clear space area in front of the sink larger than 80 cm x 1.2 m

 Sink: faucets with sensor

 No accessible urinal

 Accessible toilet stall: manoeuvring space larger tham 1.2 mx 1.2 m

 Accessible toilet stall: narrow clear space area on the side : 83 cm

 Accessible toilet stall: horizontal grab bar at the left

 Accessible toilet stall: horizontal grab bar behind the toilet located between 84 cm and 92 cm from the ground

Showroom* : Centre d'interprétation

 All sections are accessible.

 Path of travel between display tables exceeds 92 cm

 Manoeuvring space diameter larger than 1.5 m available

Exhibit area* : Amphithéâtre du centre d'interprétation

 All sections are accessible.

 Path of travel exceeds 92 cm

 Manoeuvring space diameter larger than 1.5 m available

 Capacity : 200 persons

 No seating reserved for disabled persons

 No hearing assistance system

Outdoor activity* : Belvédère - Parc Robert-Bourassa

 No picnic table

 Access to walking trail without obstacles

 Walking trail on interlocking brick

 Walking trail: width of more than 1 m