Chalets Lanaudière

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:

Cottage, condo, tourist home

Full access

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2024

Chalets Lanaudière
8082, chemin du Lac-Morgan
Rawdon, (Québec)
J0K 1S0

Phone 1: 450 834 6383
Website :

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Parking* | (situé : près de l'accueil )

 Exterior parking lot

 One or more reserved parking spaces : 2

 Reserved parking spaces near the entrance

Outdoor activity* : Quai 3 et Quai 4 (Parc Morgan)

 Accessible picnic table

 Access to the dock without obstacles

 Dock: access ramp: on slight slope

 Dock: borders on both sides of the dock higher than 10 cm

 Dock: manoeuvring clearance larger than 1.5 m x 1.5 m

Outdoor activity* : Quai et plage du Lac Lamoureux

 Accessible picnic table

 Beach : tapis de plage

 Access to the dock without obstacles

 Dock: borders on both sides of the dock higher than 10 cm

 Dock: manoeuvring clearance larger than 1.5 m x 1.5 m

Trail : Sentier des Lucioles

 Accessible Trail

Rest area
 Presence of rest areas

Outdoor furniture
 Accessible table

Building* Pavillon d'Accueil

 Clearance under reception desk: larger than 68.5 cm

 Inadequate clearance under the table

 Fixed ramp

 Automatic Doors

 Manoeuvring clearance larger than 1.5 m x 1.5 m

 Larger than 87.5 cm clear floor space on the side of the toilet bowl

 Horizontal grab bar at right of the toilet height: between 84 cm and 92 cm from the ground

 Horizontal grab bar at left of the toilet height: between 84 cm and 92 cm

 Clearance under the sink: larger than 68.5 cm

 Manoeuvring space diameter larger than 1.5 m available

 Displays height: less than 1.2 m

 Cash stand is too high : 100 cm

Accommodation Unit* Cache, Chaumière, Havre et Terrière

 Compacted stone ground

Front door
 Free width of at least 80 cm

Number of accessible floor(s) / Total number of floor(s)
  1 accessible floor(s) / 2 floor(s)

Indoor circulation
 Maneuvering space of at least 1.5 m in diameter

Kitchen counter
 Accessible kitchen counter
 Accessible kitchen sink

Dinner table
 Accessible table(s)

 Top of the mattress between 46 cm and 50 cm above the floor
 Clearance under the bed of at least 15 cm
 Maneuvering area on the side of the bed : 1,30 m x 1,30 m

 Flashing doorbell

 Top of the mattress between 46 cm and 50 cm above the floor
 Clearance under the bed of at least 15 cm
 Maneuvering area on the side of the bed : 1,15 m x 1,15 m

Interior maneuvering area
 Maneuvering area at least 1.5 m wide x 1.5 m deep

Toilet bowl
 Transfer area on the side of the bowl at least 90 cm wide x 1.5 m deep

Grab bar to the left of the toilet
 L-shaped grab bar

Grab bar behind the toilet
 A horizontal grab bar

 Accessible sink

 Roll-in shower
 Shower phone at a height of less than 1.2 m from the floor of the bottom of the shower
 Removable transfer bench available

Shower: grab bar on left side wall
 Vertical bar

Shower: grab bar on right side wall
 Vertical bar

Shower: grab bar on the wall facing the entrance
 L-shaped bar or one vertical bar and one horizontal bar forming an L

 Unobstructed area in front of shower exceeds 90 cm x 1.5 m

 Terrace designed for handicapped persons

Accommodation Unit* Repaire et Sentinelle

Pathway leading to the entrance
 Accessible driveway leading to the entrance

Front door
 Interior maneuvering area : 1 m width x 1 m depth in front of the door

Indoor circulation
 Maneuvering space of at least 1.5 m in diameter

Kitchen counter
 Accessible kitchen counter
 Accessible kitchen sink

Dinner table
 Accessible table(s)

 Top of the mattress between 46 cm and 50 cm above the floor
 Clearance under the bed of at least 15 cm
 Maneuvering area on the side of the bed : 1,30 m x 1,30 m

 Flashing doorbell

Interior maneuvering area
 Maneuvering area at least 1.5 m wide x 1.5 m deep

Toilet bowl
 Transfer area on the side of the bowl at least 90 cm wide x 1.5 m deep

Grab bar to the left of the toilet
 L-shaped grab bar

 Accessible sink

 Roll-in shower
 Shower phone at a height of less than 1.2 m from the floor of the bottom of the shower
 Removable transfer bench available

Shower: grab bar on left side wall
 Vertical bar

Shower: grab bar on right side wall
 Vertical bar

Shower: grab bar on the wall facing the entrance
 L-shaped bar or one vertical bar and one horizontal bar forming an L

 Unobstructed area in front of shower exceeds 90 cm x 1.5 m

 Terrace designed for handicapped persons