Voiles en Voiles
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Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2024
Voiles en Voiles
Place des Vestiges
Montréal, (Québec)
H2Y 1H2
Phone 1: 514 473 1458
The Voiles en Voiles center offers red bracelets for people with disabilities or special needs. Wood mulch covers the entire floor. An archery station is located near the entrance, as are inflatable games. There is no adapted equipment on site. However, climbing harnesses for adults support a maximum weight of 250 lbs.
Exterior Entrance |
(Main entrance)
Pathway leading to the entrance
Accessible driveway leading to the entrance
Step(s) leading to entrance
1 step or more : 3 steps
Uneven step depth
Steps not having a non-slip coating
No handrail
Fixed access ramp
Maneuvering area at the top of the access ramp : 1,47 m x 0,96 m
Maneuvering area at the bottom of the ramp of at least 1.5 m x 1.5 m
Landing area(s) : 1,16 m x 1,03 m
Free width of at least 87 cm
On a gentle slope
Full-length non-continuous handrail
Washroom |
(located : près du Tiki-Bar)
Fixed access ramp
No color/texture banding
Level difference at the bottom of the ramp : 6,5 cm
Steep Slope Bevel Level Difference : 18,2 %
Free width of at least 87 cm
Floor area(s), restricted : 1,16 m wide x 1,05 m deep
No difference in level between the exterior floor covering and the door sill
Difference in level between the interior floor covering and the door sill
Inward opening door
Restricted clear width
Raised surface
No clearance under the sink
Changing table
Raised handle : 1,3 m above floor
Accessible toilet cubicle door
Free width of the door at least 85 cm
Difficult to use latch
Accessible toilet stall grab bar(s)
Vertical left
Accessible washroom(s)
1 toilet cabin(s) adapted for the disabled / 6 cabin(s)
Outdoor activity*
: Voiles en Voiles
Walking trail on jagged surface
Walking trail on wood
Walking trail: width of more than 1 m
Walking trail without borders
Walking trail: rest area at every 100 m
Additional information
Wood mulch covers the entire ground.
There's an archery station near the entrance.
There is no adapted equipment on site.
Temporary kiosk |
Billetterie Voiles en Voiles (Located : Entrée )
Aisle leading to the kiosk
On a gentle slope
Circulation corridor at least 1.1 m wide
Counter surface : 94 cm above the ground
Wireless or removable payment terminal
Indoor traffic
Circulation corridor of at least 92 cm
Present maneuvering area of at least 1.5 m x 1.5 m
Aisle leading to the kiosk
Rough ground
Outdoor dining area |
Tiki-Bar (Located : Près des toilettes )
Aisle leading to the catering area
On a gentle slope
Circulation corridor at least 1.1 m wide
1 step or more : 1 steps
No access ramp
Service counter
Counter surface : 92,5 cm above the ground
Clearance Depth : 24 cm
picnic table
No accessible table
Clearance under the table : 62,9 cm
Clearance Depth : 24 cm
Aisle leading to the catering area
Rough ground
Additional information
At the time of our evaluation, the bar was not open.
Table service is available.