Le Citron Vert café resto
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Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2013
Le Citron Vert café resto
595, rue Notre-Dame Ouest
Victoriaville, (Québec)
G6P 1T3
Phone 1: 819 752 4254
Website: www.citronvertvictoriaville.ca/
Email: info@citronvertvictoriaville.ca
Less than 25 available parking spaces
Obstruction between parking lot and entrance
Exterior door sill too high : 2 cm
Washroom with one stall*
Toilet room: no directional signage
Larger than 87.5 cm clear floor space on the side of the toilet bowl
No grab bar near the toilet
No clearance under the sink
Food service*
Food service accessible with help
Narrow passageway between tables : 82 cm
Bill to pay at the rable
Cash counter: no clearance