Parc-Nature de l'Île-de-la-Visitation

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:

Regional / municipal park

Partial access

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2024

Parc-Nature de l'Île-de-la-Visitation
2425, boul. Gouin Est
Montréal, (Québec)
H2B 2H3

Phone 1: 514 280 6733
Website :

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The nature park offers inviting views. Adapted chairs are available for hire. Some sections are steeper. Most trails are made of stone dust. A few accessible picnic tables are available, but their location is not indicated. Access to the park is free, except for official parking.


Parking | (situé : Chalet d'accueil)

Number of reserved places
 Reserved seat(s) for people with disabilities: : 2

 Compacted stone ground

Additional information

Reserved spaces are not marked out on the ground, as the pavement is made of compacted rock dust.

Parking costs money. 

Exterior Entrance | (Located : Maison du Meunier, Main entrance)

Pathway leading to the entrance
 On a steep slope : 11 %

Front door
 Maneuvering area on each side of the door at least 1.5 m wide x 1.5 m deep
 Free width of at least 80 cm

Exterior Entrance | (Located : Chalet d'accueil)

Pathway leading to the entrance
 Circulation corridor at least 1.1 m wide

Front door
 Maneuvering area on each side of the door at least 1.5 m wide x 1.5 m deep
 Free width of at least 80 cm

Additional information

You do not have to report to the reception chalet to enter the park.

Exterior Entrance | (Located : Maison du pressoir, Main entrance)

 No protective edge on the sides of the access ramp
 Free width of at least 87 cm

Front door
 Free width of at least 80 cm

Interior of the building : Chalet d'accueil

Course without obstacles
 Clear width of the circulation corridor of more than 92 cm

Universal washroom | (located : Maison du pressoir)

 Maneuvering space of at least 1.5 m wide x 1.5 m deep on each side of the door
 Free width of at least 80 cm

Toilet bowl
 Transfer zone on the side of the bowl : 49 cm

Grab bar(s)
 L-shaped right
 Horizontal behind the bowl

 Faucets away from the rim of the sink : 52 cm

Universal washroom | (located : Maison du meunier)

 Maneuvering space of at least 1.5 m wide x 1.5 m deep on each side of the door
 Restricted clear width : 77 cm

Toilet bowl
 Transfer zone on the side of the bowl of at least 90 cm

Grab bar(s)
 Horizontal to the left of the bowl
 Horizontal behind the bowl
 Vertical left

Additional information

The changing table is located in the transfer area.

Washroom | (located : Chalet d'accueil)

 Restricted clear width

Accessible toilet cubicle door
 Clear door width : 77 cm

Accessible washroom bowl
 Transfer area on the side of the toilet bowl : 75 cm

Accessible toilet stall grab bar(s)
 Horizontal behind the bowl
 Oblique left

Restoration | Festigoût café (Located : Maison du Meunier)

Internal trips
 Circulation corridor of at least 92 cm

Movement between floors
 No machinery to go up

Additional information

The upstairs dining room is not open to the public, with a few exceptions during winter, but is not accessible.

Showroom : Maison du pressoir

 Maneuvering space of at least 1.5 m wide x 1.5 m in front of the descriptive panels
 Descriptive panels at 1.2m height


 Width over 1.1m
 No rim

Drinking fountain
 Set back from the trail

Additional information

There are several uneven spots on the trail. Access to the fishing area is very steep, with crevasses. Viewpoints are accessible, but sometimes have obstacles, such as thresholds of over 2 cm.

The accessible picnic tables are off the trail, and to get to them you have to walk over the grass and through the roots.

Chemical toilets are available on site.

Access to the ruins near the Miller's house is only accessible by steps.

Access to the trail on the island is steep. 

Outdoor activity* : Barrage Simon-Sicard

 Walking trail: no borders on sides of trail

 Walking trail: access ramp: clear width of between 87 cm and 92 cm

 Walking trail: access ramp: on steep slope : 10 %