Rôtisserie St-Hubert / Gatineau
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Partial access
Visual impairments
Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2011
Rôtisserie St-Hubert / Gatineau
357, boulevard Maloney Ouest
Gatineau, (Québec)
J8P 3W1
Phone 1: 819 643 4419
Email: rot056@st-hubert.qc.ca
No picture available
Accessible parking : 2
Other features
Caractéristiques motrices
- Hand dryer/paper towel too high : hommes 1,65 m
- Public telephone: money slot too high : 1,38 m
Caractéristiques visuelle
- Menu in braille
Food service*
Caractéristiques motrices
- Table service available
Public washroom*
Caractéristiques motrices
- Washrooms: insufficient transfer area : femme 75 cm
- Washrooms: no clearance under sink
- Washroom : round faucets
- Washroom : Grab bar: right side too low : hommes 72 cm
- Washroom : Grab bar: left side too low : femmes 79 cm
- Washrooms: toilet paper dispenser too high : femmes 97 cm
- Washrooms : limited manoeuvring space in front of the washroom : 1 m x 1,5 m